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CAI Southern Colorado

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CAI SoCo Trade Expo!

  • August 07, 2023
  • 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • The Antlers Hotel, 4 S Cascade Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80903


  • Sponsorship includes recognition on website registration & at event. Sponsor will announce the winner of booth decorating contest.
  • Includes booth set up (table, pipe & drape), wifi connection, electrical connection & inclusion on bingo card. Sponsorship & brand recognition on website registration & at event. Sponsors may also donate one door prize and announce the winner of door prize. No outside food & alcohol is permitted.
  • Includes booth set up (table, pipe & drape), wifi connection, electrical connection & inclusion on bingo card. Sponsorship & brand recognition on website registration & at event. Sponsors may also donate one door prize and announce the winner of door prize. No outside food & alcohol is permitted.
  • Sponsorship includes recognition on website registration & at refreshment area during event.
  • Sponsorship includes recognition on website registration & at refreshment area during event. Attendees receive one drink ticket with registration, sponsors may create and distribute additional branded drink tickets at their tab expense.
  • Entry ticket prices are $10.00 until July 21st, after which the prices will increase to $20.00 for entry.
  • Sponsorship includes recognition on website registration & at event. Sponsor will introduce keynote speaker & logo will be displayed during presentation.

Registration is closed

When: August 7th, 2p-6p
Where: Antlers Hotel
Theme: Beach Party!

Managers and Homeowner Leaders can attend for only $10!

Have you heard about the CAI Southern Colorado Expo?! The Expo Committee is excited to bring you a Beach Party themed Expo!

Join us Monday, August 7 for a keynote speaker, vendor fair and quality time networking with your Southern Colorado HOA community!

If you are coming from out of town, block hotel rates will be available. As a bonus, you can join us for Law Day the next day! A two-for-one full of education and resources!

Sponsorship opportunities are now available! Booth sponsorships are filling up fast and there are only a limited amount still available!

Thank you to our 2025 Sponsors!

CAI Southern Colorado

Call Us: 719-432-9960
Email Us: info@caisoco.org

P.O. Box 63831
Colorado Springs, CO 80962

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