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CAI Southern Colorado

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Submit an Article for the CAI SOCO Newsletter!

The Newsletter Committee welcomes articles from our membership. It’s simple, just follow the guidelines below!

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submit your article in a WORD document format only so that we can submit it in an editable format to our publisher. Company logos should not be included.
  • ON THE DOCUMENT, type your name, designations, title, company/association, etc. for article credits.
  • Provide your head shot as a jpg or pdf.
  • OBTAIN PERMISSIONS for any material held in copyright.
  • If you are sending photos, they must be photos you have taken yourself. Photos from the website or from other publications cannot be accepted as it is a violation of copyright laws. Please send your own photos separately as jpgs. Do not embed into your Word document.
  • Include supporting information to content when applicable, e.g. resources such as website addresses, names of magazine or other print news sources, NRS, etc.
  • (Example: July articles are due May 15).

Article Guidelines:

  • Informative, educational, insightful, and thought-provoking content requested.
  • Word Count Requirements are MIN 600 and MAX 800. It is acceptable to have an article that is shorter because of an included fact sheet, sidebar, or blurb. Just let the Committee know your thoughts about the layout so that it comes across as you envision it. If your article is longer, that may be acceptable as well. We want the information that you’re giving to be understood and interesting. If you are not able to do so within 800 words, we trust that there is a good reason for a lengthier article.
  • No self-promotion for your business/company in the article although we encourage each author to end the article with a few sentences about yourself and your company. This is not intended to be a biography. If your closing statement about yourself or the author is longer than three sentences, we will edit it to accommodate our request. Please be sure to include this at the end of your article in the Word document.
  • Accompanying photos must be at least 300 dpi.
  • Proof your material before submitting in WORD format.
  • Suggested/desired topics include: financials, board and manager education, legislative action, first hand encounters/experiences, community events.
  • Please note, your submission of an article does not guarantee that your article will be published. The Newsletter Committee will try to include all relevant and informative articles in the next newsletter, however with limited space, we may need to ‘bank’ your article for a future newsletter. By submitting your article, you authorize the Newsletter Committee the right to publish your article in future newsletters.


Chapter Administrator


Tressa Bishop, MBA, CIC, CIRMS

Editorial Committee Chair


Thank you to our 2025 Sponsors!

CAI Southern Colorado

Call Us: 719-432-9960
Email Us: info@caisoco.org

P.O. Box 63831
Colorado Springs, CO 80962

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